Title: Doomsday: Surviving Global Catastrophe
Author: Stuart Brooke Richardson
“This is a great little collection of information on the subject of the end-times, which includes eschatology from multiple religions and cultures, scientific data from modern researchers, and the author’s own interpretations about the endlessly debatable ‘doomsday phenomenon’. I really liked his idea that economics might end up playing a key role in the catastrophe (at least in the beginning of what’s coming) – this is a connection that is beginning to make a lot of sense. And the survival info is a great addition to this weekend reader…”
Roger Stamlin
(this review was posted in 2009)
Although written in 2009, this little book is still highly relevant. And while 2012 didn’t end with the catastrophic bang that so many people supposed, it was still quite an eventful year with the Fukushima nuclear event. And now, over a decade after that event, we’re discovering that the impact was indeed global in its negative effects (the radiation has spread across multiple oceans/seas, and across multiple continents, and will continue delivering its poisonous sting for at least 50 more years…).
Now, at the time of this writing (2023), the ‘end of the world’ phenomenon is far greater than it was in 2009. In the wake of COVID, and with geopolitical tensions at an all-time-high, more and more people are wondering if the ancient prophecies are true. Is the world about to end?
The author presents a thoughtful and well-balanced case for what might instead be called ‘a radical change in global conditions’. His case includes historical and scientific data, viewpoints from multiple religions, as well as information on survival. Although he does not know the future, his thoughts (and those represented by history) are compelling and worthy of consideration.
106 pages
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